he has gazed into her eyes, and found quite a surprise;
that emotion that lies deeply within their depths
is one of anger.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Monday, January 7, 2008
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Saturday, August 18, 2007
a tale of two.
Once upon a time...
there was a tale of two,
ofen mistaken for three.
and when the tale was told,
of how he was ofen mistaken for three,
it clear broke his heart.
so i am here to make clear,
of how he was ofen mistaken for three,
it clear broke his heart.
so i am here to make clear,
that it is indeed only a tale of two.
and the only way to prove it,
is to simply tell you the tale.
unfortunately, that will have to wait for another time.
unfortunately, that will have to wait for another time.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Monday, July 23, 2007
i just want to fly away on the wind.
But i can't.
Because these wings don't wanna work.
And the food down here is too tempting.
But i can't.
Because these wings don't wanna work.
And the food down here is too tempting.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
The Highway Man.

Alfred Noyes
The wind was a torrent of darkness among the gusty trees,
The moon was a ghostly galleon tossed upon cloudy seas,
The road was a ribbon of moonlight, over the purple moor,
And the highwayman came riding- riding-riding-
The highwayman came riding, up to the old inn-door.
He'd a French cocked-hat on his forehead, a bunch of lace at his chin,
A coat of the claret velvet, and breeches of brown doe-skin;
They fitted with never a wrinkle: his boots were up to the thigh!
And he rode with a jewelled twinkle,
His pistol butts a-twinkle,
His rapier hilt a-twinkle, under the jewelled sky.
Over the cobbles he clattered and clashed in the dark inn-yard,
And he tapped with his whip on the shutters, but all was locked and barred;
He whistled a tune to the window, and who should be waiting there
But the landlord's black-eyed daughter, Bess, the landlord's daughter,
Plaiting a dark red love-knot into her long black hair.
And dark in the old inn-yard a stable-wicket creaked
Where Tim the ostler listened; his face was white and peaked;
His eyes were hollows of madness, his hair like mouldy hay,
But he loved the landlord's daughter, The landlord's red-lipped daughter,
Dumb as a dog he listened, and he heard the robber say-
"One kiss, my bonny sweetheart, I'm after a prize to-night,
But I shall be back with the yellow gold before the morning light;
Yet, if they press me sharply, and harry me through the day,
Then look for me by moonlight, Watch for me by moonlight,
I'll come to thee by moonlight, though hell should bar the way."
He rose upright in the stirrups; he scarce could reach her hand,
But she loosened her hair i' the casement! His face burnt like a brand
As the black cascade of perfume came tumbling over his breast;
And he kissed its waves in the moonlight,
(Oh, sweet black waves in the moonlight!)
Then he tugged at his rein in the moonlight, and galloped away to the West.
He did not come in the dawning; he did not come at noon;
And out o' the tawny sunset, before the rise o' the moon,
When the road was a gipsy's ribbon, looping the purple moor,
A red-coat troop came marching- Marching-marching-
King George's men came marching, up to the old inn-door.
They said no word to the landlord, they drank his ale instead,
But they gagged his daughter and bound her to the foot of her narrow bed;
Two of them knelt at her casement, with muskets at their side!
There was death at every window; And hell at one dark window;
For Bess could see, through the casement, the road that he would ride.
They had tied her up to attention, with many a sniggering jest;
They bound a musket beside her, with the barrel beneath her breast!
"Now keep good watch!" and they kissed her. She heard the dead man say-
Look for me by moonlight; Watch for me by moonlight;
I'll come to thee by moonlight, though hell should bar the way!
She twisted her hands behind her; but all the knots held good!
She writhed her hands till here fingers were wet with sweat or blood!
They stretched and strained in the darkness, and the hours crawled by like years,
Till, now, on the stroke of midnight, Cold, on the stroke of midnight,
The tip of one finger touched it! The trigger at least was hers!
The tip of one finger touched it; she strove no more for the rest!
Up, she stood up to attention, with the barrel beneath her breast,
She would not risk their hearing; she would not strive again;
For the road lay bare in the moonlight; Blank and bare in the moonlight;
And the blood of her veins in the moonlight throbbed to her love's refrain.
Trot-trot; trot-trot! Had they heard it? The horse-hoofs ringing clear;
Trot-trot, trot-trot, in the distance? Were they deaf that they did not hear?
Down the ribbon of moonlight, over the brow of the hill,
The highwayman came riding, riding, riding!
The red-coats looked to their priming! She stood up strait and still!
Trot-trot, in the frosty silence! Trot-trot, in the echoing night!
Nearer he came and nearer! Her face was like a light!
Her eyes grew wide for a moment; she drew one last deep breath,
Then her finger moved in the moonlight, Her musket shattered the moonlight,
Shattered her breast in the moonlight and warned him-with her death.
He turned; he spurred to the West; he did not know who stood Bowed,
With her head o'er the musket, drenched with her own red blood!
Not till the dawn he heard it, his face grew grey to hear
How Bess, the landlord's daughter, The landlord's black-eyed daughter,
Had watched for her love in the moonlight, and died in the darkness there.
Back,he spurred like a madman, shrieking a curse to the sky,
With the white road smoking behind him and his rapier brandished high!
Blood-red were his spurs i' the golden noon; wine-red was his velvet coat,
When they shot him down on the highway, Down like a dog on the highway,
And he lay in his blood on the highway, with a bunch of lace at his throat.
And still of a winter's night, they say, when the wind is in the trees,
When the moon is a ghostly galleon tossed upon cloudy seas,
When the road is a ribbon of moonlight over the purple moor,
A highwayman comes riding- riding-riding-
A highwayman comes riding, up to the old inn-door.
Over the cobbles he clatters and clangs in the dark inn-yard,
And he taps with his whip on the shutters, but all is locked and barred;
He whistles a tune to the window, and who should be waiting there
But the landlord's black-eyed daughter, Bess, the landlord's daughter,
Plaiting a dark red love-knot into her long black hair.
Friday, June 22, 2007
Friday, June 8, 2007
The girl swinging in the tree,
waiting, and watching.
For that which is inevitably coming.
She gives her feet a push,
and away she flys,
sailing through the sky.
But the experience is shortlived,
as she comes swinging down,
but no matter,
cuz as she gives herself another push;
she goes sailing once again
waiting, and watching.
For that which is inevitably coming.
She gives her feet a push,
and away she flys,
sailing through the sky.
But the experience is shortlived,
as she comes swinging down,
but no matter,
cuz as she gives herself another push;
she goes sailing once again
Thursday, May 17, 2007
A Tale.
The days draw near,
one by one,
as the tale once thought of as child'ish,
begins to take place.
They said the moon will fall.
and at first, many laughed
but, after some time,
they began to grow weary,
and wondered if, in fact, the moon would fall.
Now, the tale consumes every waking thoughts,
as they rise and tick off how many days be left.
Even the strongest, have let their pride go,
and now openly show their fear.
laughter is rarely ever heard now,
and the days all begin to morph together
What will begin of this once jolly land?
will it be doomed to completely be erased from our minds?
the people believe so.
But, there are those that believe, that there is indeed one,
who is said to have the power to stop this coming evil.
But will he show in time?
or will he merely be a disappointment to all..?
one by one,
as the tale once thought of as child'ish,
begins to take place.
They said the moon will fall.
and at first, many laughed
but, after some time,
they began to grow weary,
and wondered if, in fact, the moon would fall.
Now, the tale consumes every waking thoughts,
as they rise and tick off how many days be left.
Even the strongest, have let their pride go,
and now openly show their fear.
laughter is rarely ever heard now,
and the days all begin to morph together
What will begin of this once jolly land?
will it be doomed to completely be erased from our minds?
the people believe so.
But, there are those that believe, that there is indeed one,
who is said to have the power to stop this coming evil.
But will he show in time?
or will he merely be a disappointment to all..?
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
ideas ideas...
i had a beautiful idea
[for a beautiful painting]
but then i let the idea die
[and the painting died as well]
and so now i am a murderer
[of beautiful painting(s)]
[for a beautiful painting]
but then i let the idea die
[and the painting died as well]
and so now i am a murderer
[of beautiful painting(s)]
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Another World... [unlike the one we know]
there's a whole different world
just beyond that fence
only problem is: it's a fence
they say the grass is greener
and the sky brighter
but i think they lie
cuz it looks pretty gloomy over there
and the moon don't come out much
they say he's just shy
but i think he's rather outgoing
and simply hates the people over there
just beyond that fence
only problem is: it's a fence
they say the grass is greener
and the sky brighter
but i think they lie
cuz it looks pretty gloomy over there
and the moon don't come out much
they say he's just shy
but i think he's rather outgoing
and simply hates the people over there
In the land of Hyrule, there
echoes a legend. A legend held
dearly by the Royal family that
tells of a boy...
A boy who,
after battling evil and saving
Hyrule, crept away from that land
that had made him a legend...
Done with the battles he once
waged across time, he embarked
on a journey. A secret and
personal journey...
A journey in search of a
beloved and invaluable friend...
A friend with whom he parted
ways when he finally fulfilled his
heroic destiny and took his place
among legends...
echoes a legend. A legend held
dearly by the Royal family that
tells of a boy...
A boy who,
after battling evil and saving
Hyrule, crept away from that land
that had made him a legend...
Done with the battles he once
waged across time, he embarked
on a journey. A secret and
personal journey...
A journey in search of a
beloved and invaluable friend...
A friend with whom he parted
ways when he finally fulfilled his
heroic destiny and took his place
among legends...
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Sunday, May 6, 2007
ilove you [muchly]
the title said it all.
because iloveyou [muchly]
and you're the greatest [for sure]
-well now, it's not for a certain person.
it's for people in general. cuz i love 'em all:)
because iloveyou [muchly]
and you're the greatest [for sure]
-well now, it's not for a certain person.
it's for people in general. cuz i love 'em all:)
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Saturday, April 28, 2007
A midnight adventure [ooo...]
I took a walk the other day [i was restless].
it was in the middle of the night, and no one knew i was gone [surprisingly].
i was rather happy i was on my own [for once].
it was absolutely wonderful [not a sound].
and there was no drunks to be wary of [atleast i thought].
after a couple minutes, i realized someone was walking towards me [oh, darn].
a drunk walked up to me and smiled [gulp].
and then he just sauntered off [yes, drunks can saunter].
i thought it odd, but didn't give it much thought [oddly, enough].
so i headed home [at last].
as you have probably already guessed, i never did have that walk [or did you?].
and even if i had, i most certainly would not have been alone [even though i wasn't alone].
it was in the middle of the night, and no one knew i was gone [surprisingly].
i was rather happy i was on my own [for once].
it was absolutely wonderful [not a sound].
and there was no drunks to be wary of [atleast i thought].
after a couple minutes, i realized someone was walking towards me [oh, darn].
a drunk walked up to me and smiled [gulp].
and then he just sauntered off [yes, drunks can saunter].
i thought it odd, but didn't give it much thought [oddly, enough].
so i headed home [at last].
as you have probably already guessed, i never did have that walk [or did you?].
and even if i had, i most certainly would not have been alone [even though i wasn't alone].
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Monday, March 26, 2007
'Lookie here, Marcus: he struts around like he's some sort of a genius'
"Who/What would make him think such a horrendous thing as that, James? Some odd potion, maybe?"
'Possibly. But even then: he seems soo convinced of it'
"That is very true. And quite sad, actually"
'Mhm, I agree whole-heartedly'
"Oh! Would you look at that: he's walking off with my woman!"
'Who does he think he is?'
"I don't know. But I'm about to find out"
'Uhm, Marcus... I wouldn't do that if I were you...'
"Who/What would make him think such a horrendous thing as that, James? Some odd potion, maybe?"
'Possibly. But even then: he seems soo convinced of it'
"That is very true. And quite sad, actually"
'Mhm, I agree whole-heartedly'
"Oh! Would you look at that: he's walking off with my woman!"
'Who does he think he is?'
"I don't know. But I'm about to find out"
'Uhm, Marcus... I wouldn't do that if I were you...'
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
A Letter (from the bottom of my heart)
Dear you,
Oh, my my.
Iloveyou so...
I have fallen into the annoying pit of despair lately.
And it annoys me to no end.
I am becoming that which I loath.
A Self pitier.
Yes, it's quite pathetic.
Wanna know why...?
I honestly don't even know...
How has your day been? (tell me truthfully, now)
I hope it has been wonderfully excellent.
I seen him the other day.
Did you know?
And he seemed odded out by me.
Which then odded me out...
I must go now.
The un-wonderful and hideous task of school is needing to be finished.
Remember, I love you!
P.S. The day soon approaches... when the A's will once again be squared...
Oh, my my.
Iloveyou so...
I have fallen into the annoying pit of despair lately.
And it annoys me to no end.
I am becoming that which I loath.
A Self pitier.
Yes, it's quite pathetic.
Wanna know why...?
I honestly don't even know...
How has your day been? (tell me truthfully, now)
I hope it has been wonderfully excellent.
I seen him the other day.
Did you know?
And he seemed odded out by me.
Which then odded me out...
I must go now.
The un-wonderful and hideous task of school is needing to be finished.
Remember, I love you!
P.S. The day soon approaches... when the A's will once again be squared...
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Completely Odd
A good or bad thing?
It all depends on how you look at it.
Most would say bad.
The others would say good.
In the end, all that comes out is:
Who really cares?
A good or bad thing?
It all depends on how you look at it.
Most would say bad.
The others would say good.
In the end, all that comes out is:
Who really cares?
Monday, February 26, 2007
An Exciting Moment
A sir strode by me today
And I noticed he appeared quite lonely
I reached up and grabbed his hand
But he rudely yanked it back
Didn't he want a companion?
Obviously not
I watched him continue on his way down the street
I knew he must regret what he had done
So with renewed spirits I walked up and grabbed his hand again
Only this time it was yanked away even harder
Hadn't he regretted doing it the first time?
Obviously not
What had gotten into this man?
I figured he must be crazy for refusing friendship
But that wasn't about to stop me
The streets began emptying
And I realized it was time for me to return home
Was I planning on coming back?
I came back the next day at the same time
And stood in the same place
Only this time prepared for a fight
I waited and waited
But he never showed
Hours later I left
Deciding that if he wanted to be a loner
then so be it
As I rounded the corner for home
Along came that man
A smile slipped across his face as he noticed I had left
But it was only another second before I had pounced on his back
Sending him flying to the ground
I cried out in triumph
"Aha! Excellent acting! You're hired!"
Was this only a charade?
Obviously, of course
And I noticed he appeared quite lonely
I reached up and grabbed his hand
But he rudely yanked it back
Didn't he want a companion?
Obviously not
I watched him continue on his way down the street
I knew he must regret what he had done
So with renewed spirits I walked up and grabbed his hand again
Only this time it was yanked away even harder
Hadn't he regretted doing it the first time?
Obviously not
What had gotten into this man?
I figured he must be crazy for refusing friendship
But that wasn't about to stop me
The streets began emptying
And I realized it was time for me to return home
Was I planning on coming back?
I came back the next day at the same time
And stood in the same place
Only this time prepared for a fight
I waited and waited
But he never showed
Hours later I left
Deciding that if he wanted to be a loner
then so be it
As I rounded the corner for home
Along came that man
A smile slipped across his face as he noticed I had left
But it was only another second before I had pounced on his back
Sending him flying to the ground
I cried out in triumph
"Aha! Excellent acting! You're hired!"
Was this only a charade?
Obviously, of course
Thursday, February 22, 2007
A Little Girl
She does not want to be touched
She just wants to be left alone
She wishes you'd stop asking questions
She wants you to understand
But, you don't
She shrugs it off
She herself is unsure of what she wants
You persistently ask: "Are you sure?"
Yes, she's positive
You seem to finally get it
Seconds later though
You're at it again
This here is the life of Kaitlyn;
a little 3 year old girl
Misunderstood by her odd babysitters.
She just wants to be left alone
She wishes you'd stop asking questions
She wants you to understand
But, you don't
She shrugs it off
She herself is unsure of what she wants
You persistently ask: "Are you sure?"
Yes, she's positive
You seem to finally get it
Seconds later though
You're at it again
This here is the life of Kaitlyn;
a little 3 year old girl
Misunderstood by her odd babysitters.
Monday, February 19, 2007
A Question
Ok, so I have this dilemna:
I don't like the name "Whispers Sweet"
anymore. So I'm thinking of maybe giving the blog a new name.
Which one do you guys think sounds better?
"Winter's Wind(s)" or "Winter's Myth(s)"?
So yeah, vote! Or, if you still like "Whispers Sweet" just say so.
You can even give your own ideas:).
I don't like the name "Whispers Sweet"
anymore. So I'm thinking of maybe giving the blog a new name.
Which one do you guys think sounds better?
"Winter's Wind(s)" or "Winter's Myth(s)"?
So yeah, vote! Or, if you still like "Whispers Sweet" just say so.
You can even give your own ideas:).
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
A Night in the Forest
It was a beautiful night in June
The Moon was glowing
The stars twinkling
as they silently worshiped him
A lone figure strode along the forest floor
Unaware of the many eyes watching him
Not human,
but rather the eyes of the trees
They whispered among one another
Making sure that he could hear them
but not make out their exact words
They were nasty all right
but they still watched over him
Eventually the figure came to stand over a stream
and gazed down into its deep telling eyes
He couldn't take his eyes away from it
Layed out before him were all the mysteries of man
If he wanted he could but touch it
and everything would be revealed to him
but the stream vanished before he had a chance
and he was left pondering over another mystery
Before the water had disappeared
It had shown him a picture of a creature
One that he had seen before in story books
They called it the "Night Walker"
They said he walked the nights
Watching over everything
and rumor also had it that he and the Moon were quite close
No one had ever glimpsed the Night Walker
but he was said to come at midnight
A shiver crept up his spine
as he felt the ground beneath him quiver
The Night Walker was coming
The Moon was glowing
The stars twinkling
as they silently worshiped him
A lone figure strode along the forest floor
Unaware of the many eyes watching him
Not human,
but rather the eyes of the trees
They whispered among one another
Making sure that he could hear them
but not make out their exact words
They were nasty all right
but they still watched over him
Eventually the figure came to stand over a stream
and gazed down into its deep telling eyes
He couldn't take his eyes away from it
Layed out before him were all the mysteries of man
If he wanted he could but touch it
and everything would be revealed to him
but the stream vanished before he had a chance
and he was left pondering over another mystery
Before the water had disappeared
It had shown him a picture of a creature
One that he had seen before in story books
They called it the "Night Walker"
They said he walked the nights
Watching over everything
and rumor also had it that he and the Moon were quite close
No one had ever glimpsed the Night Walker
but he was said to come at midnight
A shiver crept up his spine
as he felt the ground beneath him quiver
The Night Walker was coming
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Those Days
Sometimes I feel like dancing
And others I feel like laughing
Then there's those day
the kinds that make you so confused
and you're back to square one
The most tremendously confusing square of them all:
Trying to find out how you feel
Sometimes I end up understanding myself better
And sometimes I just quit
and wait till next time
But there's always someone to make me feel better
and I always appreciate them
although they don't always realize it...
So as you can see
I've gone completely insane
And others I feel like laughing
Then there's those day
the kinds that make you so confused
and you're back to square one
The most tremendously confusing square of them all:
Trying to find out how you feel
Sometimes I end up understanding myself better
And sometimes I just quit
and wait till next time
But there's always someone to make me feel better
and I always appreciate them
although they don't always realize it...
So as you can see
I've gone completely insane
Sunday, January 28, 2007
A morning wasted and a night forgotten
A supper unfinished and a movie returned before viewing
This is the way of the Prattles
Everything is opposite
but to them it makes complete sense
This is the way they see it:
Why not waste a morning?
Why remember the night?
Why finish supper?
And why watch the pointless movie?
No matter what,
Everyone is left pondering how their night would have turned out
if they had have done things differently
Or did any of that even make sense?
A supper unfinished and a movie returned before viewing
This is the way of the Prattles
Everything is opposite
but to them it makes complete sense
This is the way they see it:
Why not waste a morning?
Why remember the night?
Why finish supper?
And why watch the pointless movie?
No matter what,
Everyone is left pondering how their night would have turned out
if they had have done things differently
Or did any of that even make sense?
A Little Note
So yes
I know I haven't posted in a while
and the ones I have gotten on have been really short.
It's just that I'm having one of those frustrating weeks where I can't think of a thing to write.
So it would be nice if you could drop some ideas by.
Well that's about all,
Goodnight, and to some Goodmorning or Goodafternoon.
I know I haven't posted in a while
and the ones I have gotten on have been really short.
It's just that I'm having one of those frustrating weeks where I can't think of a thing to write.
So it would be nice if you could drop some ideas by.
Well that's about all,
Goodnight, and to some Goodmorning or Goodafternoon.
I Assure You I Haven't Forgotten
Today is a rather special day
there is reason to be hyper
there is reason to be overly ridiculous
You see
It's a certain someone's birthday
a very special someone
It's the moon's birthday today
So don't forget to drop by around midnight
And extend a greeting or two
there is reason to be hyper
there is reason to be overly ridiculous
You see
It's a certain someone's birthday
a very special someone
It's the moon's birthday today
So don't forget to drop by around midnight
And extend a greeting or two
Sunday, January 21, 2007
She's not kidding
So if I were you I'd run
No seriously
Don't come crying to me
Actually wait
I was kidding
So if I were you I'd run
No seriously
Don't come crying to me
Actually wait
I was kidding
Thursday, January 18, 2007
A Truly [I can't think of the word] Letter
I received a letter a moment ago
[From you]
And it both made me happy and sad
[A mixture of both is always good]
I quite enjoyed it
The other night was splendid
[Even though church might not happen]
It took me long enough to get that line
[But hey, what can I say]
It was inevitable
[I wish]
But yes
[I have to go]
I Love You
[Always will]
And I miss you
[Always have]
Love you,
[From you]
And it both made me happy and sad
[A mixture of both is always good]
I quite enjoyed it
The other night was splendid
[Even though church might not happen]
It took me long enough to get that line
[But hey, what can I say]
It was inevitable
[I wish]
But yes
[I have to go]
I Love You
[Always will]
And I miss you
[Always have]
Love you,
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
I would have to say
I was [am still] astonished
"At what?" You might ask
But that is one question I
will not be answering any time soon
"Why?" You might then reply
But my answer will remain the same
I was [am still] astonished
"At what?" You might ask
But that is one question I
will not be answering any time soon
"Why?" You might then reply
But my answer will remain the same
Sunday, January 14, 2007
A Sincere Letter
Dear You
How are you?
Today has been a most perfect day
We went to church
But I have to say
I wish you could've been there
While I was hanging out
You were...well
[What were you doing?]
You're a great friend
I look forward to this week
The good time we'll have laughing
[and screaming]
Although I have to say
We need to bail out our other friend
[such a horrendous misfortune that she got caught]
Goodbye then
I will try my best to keep a clean record
[don't wanna end up like our other friend]
Sincerely yours,
[P.S. That one boy needs to come online]
How are you?
Today has been a most perfect day
We went to church
But I have to say
I wish you could've been there
While I was hanging out
You were...well
[What were you doing?]
You're a great friend
I look forward to this week
The good time we'll have laughing
[and screaming]
Although I have to say
We need to bail out our other friend
[such a horrendous misfortune that she got caught]
Goodbye then
I will try my best to keep a clean record
[don't wanna end up like our other friend]
Sincerely yours,
[P.S. That one boy needs to come online]
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Cold as Ice
So here I sit
Heart beating
Fingers as cold as ice
And shaking so
I hate this
It's not fair
I wish I was anywhere
Just not here
It's my turn soon
To enter the world of terror
I won't be here with you any longer
You see
It is now my turn
To play my song
In the Piano Festival
Heart beating
Fingers as cold as ice
And shaking so
I hate this
It's not fair
I wish I was anywhere
Just not here
It's my turn soon
To enter the world of terror
I won't be here with you any longer
You see
It is now my turn
To play my song
In the Piano Festival
Friday, January 12, 2007
Oh stop your fidgeting
the Queen will only strole on by
Stop smoothing the wrinkles
there's no need
you won't catch her eye
She never looks at "un-nobles".
the Queen will only strole on by
Stop smoothing the wrinkles
there's no need
you won't catch her eye
She never looks at "un-nobles".
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Erased Memories
He gazed over the sea.
Standing on a box to make himself feel as big
and as bold as the massive body of water before him.
"One day, I will sail the waters with as much skill
and bravery as the waves that taunt me so."
But it was not to be so;
for the very next day he was swept away into the world of the rich.
Of course, he would prefer to stay by the water.
Unfortunately for him though, his parents cared but a smidgen about His dreams.
So it was that after years of being shoved this way and that,
he had all but forgotten that there was even such thing as the Outdoors.
It's not that he became like the others,
just that he detested them,
and loved the sea so,
that his mind could not deal with the idear of being kept from that which he loved.
So it did away with his knowledge of it,
without even approaching him first.
I'm sure if he ever learned of his minds doing,
it would be in for a very long and lengthy talk.
But that, is entirely impossible.
Standing on a box to make himself feel as big
and as bold as the massive body of water before him.
"One day, I will sail the waters with as much skill
and bravery as the waves that taunt me so."
But it was not to be so;
for the very next day he was swept away into the world of the rich.
Of course, he would prefer to stay by the water.
Unfortunately for him though, his parents cared but a smidgen about His dreams.
So it was that after years of being shoved this way and that,
he had all but forgotten that there was even such thing as the Outdoors.
It's not that he became like the others,
just that he detested them,
and loved the sea so,
that his mind could not deal with the idear of being kept from that which he loved.
So it did away with his knowledge of it,
without even approaching him first.
I'm sure if he ever learned of his minds doing,
it would be in for a very long and lengthy talk.
But that, is entirely impossible.
Monday, January 8, 2007
100% a.k.a 10
A seven.
Yes, a seven.
Well... maybe a seven,
and a half.
Yeah, that sounds right.
No, maybe,
just maybe, an eight.
That doesn't sounds right.
OK fine, you win.
I give him... a Ten!!
Yes, a seven.
Well... maybe a seven,
and a half.
Yeah, that sounds right.
No, maybe,
just maybe, an eight.
That doesn't sounds right.
OK fine, you win.
I give him... a Ten!!
Friday, January 5, 2007
Dream On
It may seem real
and it might be flawless
But it's just a dream
It may appear Romantic
and it might be perfect
But it's just a dream
It may make you laugh
and it might urge you to tear up
But it's just a dream
It may hide a boy
and it might capture a girl
But it's just a dream
It may contain a picture
and that picture might capture your attention
Making you wish for more
But it's a dream
just a dream
And they tend to have that affect on you
and it might be flawless
But it's just a dream
It may appear Romantic
and it might be perfect
But it's just a dream
It may make you laugh
and it might urge you to tear up
But it's just a dream
It may hide a boy
and it might capture a girl
But it's just a dream
It may contain a picture
and that picture might capture your attention
Making you wish for more
But it's a dream
just a dream
And they tend to have that affect on you
Wednesday, January 3, 2007
Little Ones Always Know
I-I have a question
"And what might that be?"
Could you stop acting so regal?
"Why would I do that?"
Because it pains me to watch
you put on such a fake charade
I-I have a question
"And what might that be?"
Could you stop acting so regal?
"Why would I do that?"
Because it pains me to watch
you put on such a fake charade
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Strange Behavior
Today is Today,
just ask anyone.
Tomorrow will be Tomorrow,
just ask anyone.
But Yesterday may not have been Yesterday;
for He was acting rather strange.
just ask anyone.
Tomorrow will be Tomorrow,
just ask anyone.
But Yesterday may not have been Yesterday;
for He was acting rather strange.
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
A Feeble Minded Companion
Me and Gloria were doing school one day, and I randomly wrote down some lines, and then she wrote some too, and eventually it formed into this, a masterpiece. We just wrote it for the heck of it, so enjoy!
The sun comes up.
Shouted the duck to his feeble minded companion,
Scum, the scumbag.
"I say!" retorted Scum, "Quite rude, quite rude! Have you no manners?"
With that he strutted off, perfectly happy to be feeble minded.
But it wasn't long before he came across a wounded,- and badly bleeding-,
duck that he recognized as none other then his quite rude companion.
"What have you gotten yourself into now Crackhead?"
Although Scum tried to sound uncaring he couldn't quite keep his concern from showing.
"I-I only tried to make those jerks stop saying rude things about you"
And with that Scum burst out crying, as he mourned the death of his quite rude but beloved companion.
The moral of this story is: Embrace every opportunity that allows you to push
aside your pride and say what you've always wanted to.
"I Love You, my dearly beloved companion."
The sun comes up.
Shouted the duck to his feeble minded companion,
Scum, the scumbag.
"I say!" retorted Scum, "Quite rude, quite rude! Have you no manners?"
With that he strutted off, perfectly happy to be feeble minded.
But it wasn't long before he came across a wounded,- and badly bleeding-,
duck that he recognized as none other then his quite rude companion.
"What have you gotten yourself into now Crackhead?"
Although Scum tried to sound uncaring he couldn't quite keep his concern from showing.
"I-I only tried to make those jerks stop saying rude things about you"
And with that Scum burst out crying, as he mourned the death of his quite rude but beloved companion.
The moral of this story is: Embrace every opportunity that allows you to push
aside your pride and say what you've always wanted to.
"I Love You, my dearly beloved companion."
Monday, December 25, 2006
*Crash, Boom Bang*
*Crash, Crash, BOOM, Tschh!*
"Ok, last time"
*Crash, Crash, Crash, Boom, Boom, Bang Tschh!!
"Yes! I did it."
"I finally mastered that dumb drum beat."
*Crash, Crash, BOOM, Tschh!*
"Ok, last time"
*Crash, Crash, Crash, Boom, Boom, Bang Tschh!!
"Yes! I did it."
"I finally mastered that dumb drum beat."
Saturday, December 23, 2006
No Time Much?
Stop that mind shattering racket right this minute
"I'd rather not"
And how come?
"Because I don't have the time"
Then how do you have the time to make such noise?
"I find the time"
Then can you not find the time to stop?!
"Uhh, no"
Get out!
Why not?
"I don't have the time"
"I'd rather not"
And how come?
"Because I don't have the time"
Then how do you have the time to make such noise?
"I find the time"
Then can you not find the time to stop?!
"Uhh, no"
Get out!
Why not?
"I don't have the time"
Friday, December 22, 2006
James Norrington; Troublesome Indeed.
I waltzed down that furry old street.
"Oh look, the Baker closed his shop."
Continuing on I noticed that the street was barenaked.
Not a single soul in sight!
"Oh no, what could be the cause of this?"
Twas then that I chanced upon a crumpled piece of paper.
I thought it odd and opened it up.
"Counselor James Norrington will ride through these streets on the noon of St. Mary's Day."
No wonder the streets are empty;
they all quake in their shoes behind closed doors!
"Good graciousness, here they are now!"
*Stumble, slip, tumble, clip*
"To late now, hide behind a barrel!"
No barrels, it was just my luck.
"A potato sack, just what I need!"
"Bum Joe, you already seized this hiding place?"
*Hop, Sprint, Scramble*
"There we go, a hole!"
"Billy Bob, why must you always be the first?"
*Run, Run, Run*
"A rope, I'll climb it and escape there sight."
*Snap, Tumble*
"My bum, oh how it wails at me in fury."
*Tip-Toe, Ease Along*
"Maybe if I hide behind this door..."
"Blemmy Cook, I oughta strangle you."
Now I will perish under the hooves of his horses."
*Glance Backwards*
"Oh, Uhh..."
"They've already come and gone."
"Ohoho, the sillyness of me."
"Oh look, the Baker closed his shop."
Continuing on I noticed that the street was barenaked.
Not a single soul in sight!
"Oh no, what could be the cause of this?"
Twas then that I chanced upon a crumpled piece of paper.
I thought it odd and opened it up.
"Counselor James Norrington will ride through these streets on the noon of St. Mary's Day."
No wonder the streets are empty;
they all quake in their shoes behind closed doors!
"Good graciousness, here they are now!"
*Stumble, slip, tumble, clip*
"To late now, hide behind a barrel!"
No barrels, it was just my luck.
"A potato sack, just what I need!"
"Bum Joe, you already seized this hiding place?"
*Hop, Sprint, Scramble*
"There we go, a hole!"
"Billy Bob, why must you always be the first?"
*Run, Run, Run*
"A rope, I'll climb it and escape there sight."
*Snap, Tumble*
"My bum, oh how it wails at me in fury."
*Tip-Toe, Ease Along*
"Maybe if I hide behind this door..."
"Blemmy Cook, I oughta strangle you."
Now I will perish under the hooves of his horses."
*Glance Backwards*
"Oh, Uhh..."
"They've already come and gone."
"Ohoho, the sillyness of me."
Brain Smarts.
It's gone.
"What's gone?"
My brain.
"Why is it gone?"
That boy tricked me;
he said if I gave him a piece of my brain,
he'd make me smarter.
But then he ran off with the whole thing!
"Well, at least you're smarter now!"
This Story Is Dedicated To My Sister Gloria;
I Figured You'd Understand This.
"What's gone?"
My brain.
"Why is it gone?"
That boy tricked me;
he said if I gave him a piece of my brain,
he'd make me smarter.
But then he ran off with the whole thing!
"Well, at least you're smarter now!"
This Story Is Dedicated To My Sister Gloria;
I Figured You'd Understand This.
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Exquisitely Perfect
Catch a butterfly,
put it in your palm.
Carefully now,
don't hurt those precious wings.
Oh! Shh,
don't squeal too loudly,
you wouldn't want to damage those dainty ears.
Aww look,
it's wings are so Beautiful.
I will call it Gorgeous.
Gorgeous the Butterfly.
Doesn't it sound enchanting?
How I would love to fly as it does.
Up up up in the sky.
Higher then any man could jump.
(But not as high as the clouds,
they sore ever so high)
I will keep you waiting no longer, Gorgeous.
Fly now, fly like the Wind.
put it in your palm.
Carefully now,
don't hurt those precious wings.
Oh! Shh,
don't squeal too loudly,
you wouldn't want to damage those dainty ears.
Aww look,
it's wings are so Beautiful.
I will call it Gorgeous.
Gorgeous the Butterfly.
Doesn't it sound enchanting?
How I would love to fly as it does.
Up up up in the sky.
Higher then any man could jump.
(But not as high as the clouds,
they sore ever so high)
I will keep you waiting no longer, Gorgeous.
Fly now, fly like the Wind.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
It's Hoping
Something of the sort is gone.
Something of another sort has arrived.
And last of all;
Something of an unnameable sort is hoping to come.
But, we do not know anything about it,
so how do we know it's hoping to come?
We don't, it's just a guess.
Just a random uncalled for guess.
We have nothing on it,
no proof that it's hoping to come.
But we do have our expectations,
and that's all we need.
Something of another sort has arrived.
And last of all;
Something of an unnameable sort is hoping to come.
But, we do not know anything about it,
so how do we know it's hoping to come?
We don't, it's just a guess.
Just a random uncalled for guess.
We have nothing on it,
no proof that it's hoping to come.
But we do have our expectations,
and that's all we need.
Saturday, December 16, 2006
It's so pretty Daddy!
Look at all it's sparkles!
Can I touch it?"
No, leave it alone.
"Aww come on, please?"
"Why not?"
Because if you do it'll get all smudged.
"But I won't make it smudgy, I promise."
I don't believe you.
"That's not true, I don't believe You!"
It's so pretty Daddy!
Look at all it's sparkles!
Can I touch it?"
No, leave it alone.
"Aww come on, please?"
"Why not?"
Because if you do it'll get all smudged.
"But I won't make it smudgy, I promise."
I don't believe you.
"That's not true, I don't believe You!"
Friday, December 15, 2006
Didn't You Know?
I love you so,
but I don't suppose you know...
Is that my fault?
Is it perhaps because I act so cold around you,
and pretend to scorn your very existence?
Well then, if that is so,
I'd just like to say Sorry.
For as surely as the streams connect to the oceans;
I love you.
I do try, really.
But there are days when I get so frustrated.
You see,
you and I don't exactly see eye-to-eye on many things.
And so it is tough,
to not strangle you for not understanding what I explain to you,
that I so easily see the meaning of.
Just know though,
that you are loved.
Note: This is Not about some dumb boy that I like.
but I don't suppose you know...
Is that my fault?
Is it perhaps because I act so cold around you,
and pretend to scorn your very existence?
Well then, if that is so,
I'd just like to say Sorry.
For as surely as the streams connect to the oceans;
I love you.
I do try, really.
But there are days when I get so frustrated.
You see,
you and I don't exactly see eye-to-eye on many things.
And so it is tough,
to not strangle you for not understanding what I explain to you,
that I so easily see the meaning of.
Just know though,
that you are loved.
Note: This is Not about some dumb boy that I like.
The mighty pain of a small pinch,
feel as it thunders up your arm.
Oh no, I'm not dreaming.
I must wake up.
help me please!
I can't hold it in much longer,
it's coming,
I'm going to...
The mighty pain of a small pinch,
feel as it thunders up your arm.
Oh no, I'm not dreaming.
I must wake up.
help me please!
I can't hold it in much longer,
it's coming,
I'm going to...
Sail Away
I sailed along the road,
flying by vehicles with unknown speed.
When I noticed;
that something was most definitely not right.
Oh no, no no no, tell me it's not true,
show me that it's only my imagination, please.
It's still there, it's not leaving,
it's true, those poor souls.
So loved, and now...
So missed.
What went through their heads?
Did they think?
Did they say a silent prayer to their loved ones?
Did he grab her hand, squeeze it tight,
knowing what was to come?
And now, here they lay,
Pleasantly drifting away...
I wish you the best then,
as there is nothing I can do..
Peace be with you,
and don't let the Bedbugs bite.
I love you silent stranger...
Goodnight, and good luck.
flying by vehicles with unknown speed.
When I noticed;
that something was most definitely not right.
Oh no, no no no, tell me it's not true,
show me that it's only my imagination, please.
It's still there, it's not leaving,
it's true, those poor souls.
So loved, and now...
So missed.
What went through their heads?
Did they think?
Did they say a silent prayer to their loved ones?
Did he grab her hand, squeeze it tight,
knowing what was to come?
And now, here they lay,
Pleasantly drifting away...
I wish you the best then,
as there is nothing I can do..
Peace be with you,
and don't let the Bedbugs bite.
I love you silent stranger...
Goodnight, and good luck.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Shh, you're ruining the moment.
Can you not see?
Can you not hear?
Oh wait I forgot, you never tried.
Can you not see?
Can you not hear?
Oh wait I forgot, you never tried.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Petty Ways
People and their petty ways,
will they never learn?
Maybe someday,
maybe someday soon.
People and their petty ways,
will they never cease?
Maybe someday,
maybe someday soon.
People and their petty ways,
will they never forget?
Maybe someday,
maybe someday soon.
People and their petty ways,
will they never attempt to be smart?
Maybe someday,
maybe someday soon.
People and their petty ways,
I don't know where the Lord went wrong.
will they never learn?
Maybe someday,
maybe someday soon.
People and their petty ways,
will they never cease?
Maybe someday,
maybe someday soon.
People and their petty ways,
will they never forget?
Maybe someday,
maybe someday soon.
People and their petty ways,
will they never attempt to be smart?
Maybe someday,
maybe someday soon.
People and their petty ways,
I don't know where the Lord went wrong.
Saturday, December 9, 2006
Come Back.
Oh Moon so bright,
what makes thee so?
Is it thy long, luscious locks?
Or thy pale, fair, complexion?
Oh Moon so bright?
what makes thee so?
Is it thy endless smile?
Or thy beautiful rays?
Oh Moon so bright,
What makes thee so?
Is it thy gorgeous laugh?
Or thy comforting light?
Oh Moon so bright,
what makes thee so?
Is it thy chiseled features?
Or thy faint blush?
Whatever it is dear Moon,
don't stop being yourself.
For if you do,
you will no longer be you.
Oh Moon so bright,
I know what makes thee so.
It is thy bold strength,
or perhaps thy gold eyes.
Then tell me dear Moon,
what makes thee so?
What's this you say?
It's your ability to hide?
Oh no!
Don't leave,
Come back Moon!
Come back!
Promise me then that you will come for me at sunset?
Then go for now,
but know this,
I love you so.
And don't forget,
Come back...
what makes thee so?
Is it thy long, luscious locks?
Or thy pale, fair, complexion?
Oh Moon so bright?
what makes thee so?
Is it thy endless smile?
Or thy beautiful rays?
Oh Moon so bright,
What makes thee so?
Is it thy gorgeous laugh?
Or thy comforting light?
Oh Moon so bright,
what makes thee so?
Is it thy chiseled features?
Or thy faint blush?
Whatever it is dear Moon,
don't stop being yourself.
For if you do,
you will no longer be you.
Oh Moon so bright,
I know what makes thee so.
It is thy bold strength,
or perhaps thy gold eyes.
Then tell me dear Moon,
what makes thee so?
What's this you say?
It's your ability to hide?
Oh no!
Don't leave,
Come back Moon!
Come back!
Promise me then that you will come for me at sunset?
Then go for now,
but know this,
I love you so.
And don't forget,
Come back...
Friday, December 8, 2006
Dreaming Are We?
I got lost in a dream the other day,
and wondered what the big fuss about them was,
everyone wanted them,
no one had them,
and no one Could have them,
so why bother?
Perhaps they lost a loved one,
and only through their dreams could they visit them.
Or perhaps, they dream of mischievous things,
and ridding old maidens of their cats...
And then it hit me;
when one dreams it is because far better things can be achieved in lala land,
then anywhere else,
after all, when darkness turns to light,
we become aware...
aware of all the imperfections.
And then we await the coming of the moon,
and drift away to a better place...
Sweet dreams...
and wondered what the big fuss about them was,
everyone wanted them,
no one had them,
and no one Could have them,
so why bother?
Perhaps they lost a loved one,
and only through their dreams could they visit them.
Or perhaps, they dream of mischievous things,
and ridding old maidens of their cats...
And then it hit me;
when one dreams it is because far better things can be achieved in lala land,
then anywhere else,
after all, when darkness turns to light,
we become aware...
aware of all the imperfections.
And then we await the coming of the moon,
and drift away to a better place...
Sweet dreams...
Thursday, December 7, 2006
Just Ask.
"Just ask"
but why?
"Because I said so"
who made you boss?
and who is him?
who is her?
who is them?
I don't understand!
"You have to ask,
because I said so,
He made me boss,
and He is Her,
which is them,
and I am Them.
Do you now understand?"
"Then don't ask"
I never wanted to ask in the first place!"
"Then why are you still here?"
but why?
"Because I said so"
who made you boss?
and who is him?
who is her?
who is them?
I don't understand!
"You have to ask,
because I said so,
He made me boss,
and He is Her,
which is them,
and I am Them.
Do you now understand?"
"Then don't ask"
I never wanted to ask in the first place!"
"Then why are you still here?"
Whispers Sweet...
When the wind blows along that rusty old path,
you can hear its whispers ever so sweet
When the skies grow cold and bring about fear,
you can still faintly hear the calming whispers ever so sweet
When hopes are down and all seems gone,
you can grasp the strings of whispers ever so sweet
When days go by without meaning,
you can find answers in the whispers ever so sweet
When the fog settles and winter approaches,
you can wrap yourself in whispers ever so sweet
When sweet goes to bitter,
there will always be bitter sweet whispers...
you can hear its whispers ever so sweet
When the skies grow cold and bring about fear,
you can still faintly hear the calming whispers ever so sweet
When hopes are down and all seems gone,
you can grasp the strings of whispers ever so sweet
When days go by without meaning,
you can find answers in the whispers ever so sweet
When the fog settles and winter approaches,
you can wrap yourself in whispers ever so sweet
When sweet goes to bitter,
there will always be bitter sweet whispers...
Tuesday, December 5, 2006
When time shall pause...
If time were to pause,
would your love be paused as well?
If time were to fade,
would I fade as well?
If time were to forget,
would I be forgotten as well?
If time were to cry,
would not the sky begin to cry as well?
If time were to laugh,
would the trees sway along as well?
If time were to stop,
what would stop you from falling?
would your love be paused as well?
If time were to fade,
would I fade as well?
If time were to forget,
would I be forgotten as well?
If time were to cry,
would not the sky begin to cry as well?
If time were to laugh,
would the trees sway along as well?
If time were to stop,
what would stop you from falling?
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